lördag, januari 11, 2020

Met i Vallentuna

Metropolitan (New York) 2020-01-11
and Vallentuna Theater

Berg: Wozzeck

Orchestra and Chorus of the Metropolitan Opera
Conductor: Yannick Nézet-Séguin 
- Elza van den Heever (Marie)
- Tamara Mumford (Margret)
- Christopher Ventris (The Drum Major)
- Gerhard Siegel (The Captain)
- Andrew Staples (Andres)
- Peter Mattei (Wozzeck)
- Christian Van Horn (The Doctor)

I think that this is one of the most difficult operas to stage. First of all Büchner's story was never completed, it's just a number of sketches. It's strange mix of dream/realism, symbolism, decay and anxiety. Berg was attracted to that mix, especielly in the light of the first world war. And his musical style suited the material more than well. He could use all the elements in the text to stretch all his musical ambitions.

This opera also needs a clear focus on the drama. So much is happening in the music and in the text that everything else risks to draw attention from the core of the drama. That is the problem with this production. The ideas of the director tend to get more attention than the drama itself. The stage solution is working, but the dominant and changing projections are diminishing the drama.

Another problem in this production is that some characters are not dangerously sharp enough. That is most obvious with The Captain that is more of a "funny character".
The singing is overall top level. And that says a lot because this opera is really tricky for every singer. Either it's really high or really low. Or it's loaded with emotions requiring the singer to sound "ugly". Or the singing has to be very soft and tender.
Elza van den Heever has a marvelloys voice, capable of doing anything. Unfortunately she is slightly awkward in her acting, causing it hard to believe that she can be that pivotal in the events that lead up to death.
Peter Mattei is the ideal Wozzeck. I have been rather critical of his singing based on that he always sounds the same - a rich sounding voice placed very high in the body. But here he dares to let the drama and the need for expression design his voice. And he creates magic when doing that due to his superb control of his vocal means. He is also fully credible on stage - his movements and tics are totally in character.
Let me also mention Christian Van Horn as the Doctor. In the scene with Wozzeck in the first act he is plain scary!

My biggest take-away from this night is the superb orchestra playing under Yannick Nézet-Séguin. Together they create a dramatic feeling that is carrying the whole opera. They comment, they chase, they despair, they cry, they scream, they mock. I can honestly say that I have never heard this score played more true than this.

I saw this at the Vallentuna Theatre, a small theatre hall in my small home town. The whole idea with broadcasting opera performances live is great. But never again I will see it from here. The sound system was absolutely awful. The sound came out flat and at a very low volume.

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